torstai 17. huhtikuuta 2014


Kuva Kaija Tikkanen

UNIVERSITY OF KUOPIO, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Nursing Science
Nursing science: Teacher training of nursing science

The dynamic process of despair and hope in drug rehabilitation as described by young drug abusers

Master´s thesis 95p, 3 appendices (9p)
Advisors: Senior lecturer, Jari Kylmä, Ph.D. Dean, Taru Juvakka, RN, Ph.D. Psychotherapist, Tuula Lahtinen, M.NSc.

January 2004
Key words: despair, hope, the young, drugs

The aim of the study was to describe the process of hope in a young person undergoing rehabilitation from drug abuse. The tasks of the study were what the young say about hope, despair and the factors supporting and complicating their awareness of hope. The study was made among 12 young adults aged 18 - 25 years, five females and seven males. They were undergoing drug rehabilitation in private rehabilitation units. Open unstructured individual interviews (n=4), one semi-structured individual interview (n=1) and two semi-structured group interviews (n=5, n=3) were used as the collecting methods of the material. The material was analysed inductively using the method of analysis of the contents.

The emerging describing factors of the world of drugs were the values and attitudes in it, human relationships and their lack of confidence , the use and the selling of drugs, the guilt and worry felt, how the young experiences life, the contents of everyday life, and the making for rehabilitation. The emerging describing factors of the process of rehabilitation were coming to the drug rehabilitation and its early stages, social experience, and the recovery from drug abuse. According to the results of the study, despair is an internal conflict between reality and a real desire, of which the obscurity of the purpose of life and the narrowing of life are part of. Hope is an individual, omnipresent and positive basic asset of humanity which can increase. The intensity of hope experience was related to the length of rehabilitation time. The same factors can serve both as supporting and complicating elements in awareness of hope depending on the life situation of the young. The factors complicating the awareness of hope are to the drug abuse related anguish, loneliness, the sense of losing control over one´s life and the sense of losing one´s own humanity. The factors supporting the awareness of hope are the desire of the young to be free of drugs, the reminiscence of the earlier normal life, the realization of new possibilities in life in the present, and the orientation into the future.

The results of this study can be utilised when developing methods of treatment and rehabilitation of young drug addicts, in forming theory in nursing science, and in future research.